F2F Class Notes (Tony)

[do action=”vocabulary”/


_ _ Z Z _

1. Choose a letter from the alphabet, A…Z

2. If that letter is right, I will fill in the spaces.

3. If the letter is wrong, you get a body part on the hangman.

second to last – not last, but

button up shirt

long sleeved

short sleeved (adj.)

eg: He was wearing a short sleeved shirt.

eg: He was wearing a shirt with short sleeves.

Hint – some small helpful information

eg: I already gave you a big hint.

eg: Your second hint, is that you should guess vowels.

baggy/loose (ADJ) –

tight – opposite of loose, close fitting clothing

eg: Tight is the opposite of loose.

eg: These pants are too tight.

thermal – temperature related

eg: I need to buy a thermal shirt, because it is too cold.

eg: You can find a lot of thermal clothes at uniqlo.