F2F Class Notes (Tony)

NEXT CLASS: Use the clothing vocabulary to talk about other things (Not clothing)


I don’t know, what are they called?

I always (arrive at /get to) the office before we open.

pants – almost anything you wear on your legs, have two legs

eg:I got a new pair of pants.

trousers a formal way to say pants(not jeans), also more common in Europe

jeans – pants made of denim

eg: Joan has way too many jean vests in her closet.

shortsshort pants clothes with 2 legs and usually not longer than your knees.


eg: I’m also wearing leggings under my shorts.

eg: I’m wearing shorts over my leggings.

eg: These leggings are really stretchy.

eg: I have a pair of corduroy shorts, they are super soft.

wear out  – become too damaged and lose quality, maybe unusable.

eg: I was so busy today, I am worn out.

eg: Don’t wear out your new school clothes before school starts.

brand new – very very new, never used

eg: That mom buys a lot of brand new clothes for her baby.

broken in – something becomes comfortable or better after you use it for a while

eg: My boots are broken in.

eg: These shoes are brand new, I still need to break them in.

way too – very too

eg: I am way too tired to dance.

socks – something you wear on your feet, under your shoes.

eg: We put on socks before shoes.


I never late

I‘m never late

I‘ve never been late