F2F Class Notes (Tony)


it’s buy from Uniqlo

I bought it from uniqlo

the pronunciation is familiar similar with Joan

I haven’t ( thought about it / put much thought into it. )

I have never been married.

I remember you told me…

No, I didn’t tell you…

Is that phrase like one word?

Is that an idiom?

almost – not quite there, nearly

eg: It’s almost too late.

most – more than all the others

eg: Most of the students live in the dorm.

almost all = most

eg: Almost all the students live in the dorm.

a mess (N.) – a group of things that is disorganized and not tidy.

messing with someone – to trick someone, or make them confused, because you think it is funny, or maybe u are angry at them

eg: Are you messing with me?

neat (ADJ) – cleanly organized

eg: His desk is always very neat.

messy (ADJ)

eg: I’m not a messy person.

high heels – a phrase, like one word, shoes with tall, pointy heels

eg: I don’t think these are high heels. They’re just boots with a tall heel.

phrase – a few words, often used together

eg: Tell me about it.    Let me know.      I’ll see you later.

idiom – a phrase, that has a special meaning (chen yu)

eg: He is always kissing the boss’ ass. (pai ma pi)

Qing pen da yu – it’s raining cats and dogs outside.