F2F Class Notes (Tony)


i have to pay rent

whose dad passed away

a figment of someone’s imagination – something completely imagined and not real.

eg: The noises in the attic were just a figment of his imagination. His mind was playing tricks on him.

by himself – alone, without help

antagonize – to try and make someone upset or angry

eg: I only hit him because he was antagonizing me.

eg: The waiter really antagonized me when he splashed water on my most expensive clothes, that I just bought.

Fine Dining:

Steak sandwich – an open face sandwich, served with sauce

Shrimp scampi – shrimp with pasta in a cream sauce

Broiled new Zealand Lobster tail  – cooked from only the top part

Cocktail shrimp  – cooked Cold shrimp served with a red cocktail sauce, sometimes served on ice.

Cocktails – Drinks

Writing exercise

Fight Club grew very fast with increasing members joining in and also a secret project was just in implement.

At last, it turned out that Tyler was actually the figure who was imagined by the narrator; they were the same person. He killed Tyler by himself in the end.

Fight Club grew very fast with increasing members joining in and also a secret project was just in implemented.

At last, it turned out that Tyler was imagined by Edward Norton’s character. They were the same person. He killed Tyler by shooting himself in the end.