F2F Class Notes (Tony)


How are you?

It’s ok.

I’m ok.

How is it going?

It’s going ok.

Did you get a new job?


How is it going?

I want to work more often.

I want to work less often.

Have you been there?

I did not I haven’t

I want to go to Sanya.

vacation – when you take some time off work, and maybe take a trip somewhere.

eg: I have a vacation next week, I will be off work for 10 days. I will take a trip to Spain.

eg: I need a vacation.

eg: Maybe next week my friend and I will take a vacation to Sanya.

promise V. – to tell someone, that you WILL do something, or sth. WILL happen.

eg: I promise your English will get better.

eg: I promise, it was raining yesterday.

modest – qian xu

eg: You are not very modest, but it’s ok. I think you are honest.


walk -Wa K’

Work – Wer  K’

I walk to work.

I don’t walk to work.

promise V. – to tell someone, that you WILL do something, or sth. WILL happen.

eg: I promise your English will get better.

eg: I promise, it was raining yesterday.