F2F Class Notes (Tony)


plastic surgery

it’s what he really thinks

 double eyelid

conundrum – a puzzling or confusing situation

eg: What a conundrum,

social programs – programs that benefit society as a whole.

eg: Michelle Obama had some social programs about eating healthy and exercising.

be in for – to be expecting sth. or to be the receiver of sth.

eg: We’re in for a difficult time tonight, because I already lost my wallet and my keys.

contribute – to add to something, to give parts of it

eg: Should the president’s wife contribute to the country?

performance enhancing drugs -drugs that athletes use

eg: Surprisingly even race car drivers use performance enhancing drugs like steroids

suspended animation – not possible in real life with humans, but when you freeze a body and unfreeze it years later, to come back to life.

steep – used to express a high angle,    also used for high prices

eg: Yellow Mountain is very steep.

eg: That price is a little steep for me

clique – a special group of people, they don’t let other in.

eg: They have their own clique, and they don’t really talk to others.