F2F Class Notes (Tony)


coffee doesn’t make me dehydrated

What is the the fluid form of ice? Water is the liquid form of ice.

What is ice? Ice is a solid. It’s the solid form of water.

What is the liquid form of water? (Trick Question or bad question)   Water IS the liquid form.

What’s the solid form of ice?    Ice IS a solid.

flooring – the stuff you use to cover the floors in your home

eg: I had to replace some of the flooring in my home.

hydro…     example: hydroelectric – water related thing.

eg: China has the world’s largest hydroelectric dam.

dam – a large wall that blocks a river

eg: Some animals build dams. Like Beavers.

gum (something you can chew, but don’t eat)

gummy – describes how something feels, it is soft and flexible, also

eg: Kids love gummy bears.   Gummy bears feel very gummy.

eg: Some noodles are gummy, they are a little sticky and chewy.

eg:All noodles seem gummy if you have braces.

quarter – 1/4 or .25  or 25%

eg: It’s a quarter past 5.    ( It’s 5:15)

quadricep – four muscles in your thighs

bicep -the two muscles on inside of your arm.

tri – 3

quad – 4

bi – 2

bio – living things