F2F Class Notes (Tony)


pass by

leaves an impression, because it’s a high traffic area.

creativity is very weak in china

they don’t wanna spend a lot of money creating ads. but they will spend a lot on buying spots.

clients often see a direct correlation between purchasing spots and increased sales revenue, whereas/however they don’t see that correlation between the creative process and sales revenues.

there definitely has is some correlation between being thin and being happy.

sales revenue – all the money brought in

profit – the money the company can keep, after they pay for costs(bills)(overhead)

spot – a certain time slot for an ad.

eg: That’s one of the most expensive spots.

correlation – a connection between two things, when one changes the other also changes

eg: I think there’s a correlation between liking swimming and enjoying the beach.   I disagree, many people go to the beach, but don’t swim.