F2F Class Notes (Tony)


How do you say that in English?

If I read a basketball book, but I never play basketball. Will I be good?

No, you will not be good at basketball.

mean to (do something) – you wanted to do that

eg: I didn’t mean to do that.

eg: I didn’t mean to forget about the door.     /     I forgot about the door.

eg: I meant to call you, but I was busy and didn’t have time.

eg: Did you mean to do that?   No, I didn’t mean to do that.

joking – kai wan xiao

eg: Are you joking?

say – the words that someone used when speaking

eg: Yolanda said, she is from Jiangxi.

eg: Yolanda said, Tony is the most handsome man she knows. She was not joking.

eg: What does this say?  It says, “Made in China.”

eg: What does that sign say?

sign – a piece of paper or wood, etc. that has some information on it.

eg: What color is a stop sign?  A stop sign is red.

eg: What does a stop sign say? This stop sign says “stop”

eg: What does this sign say? This sign says “No parking!”

information/info – xinxi

eg: I need the company info.

lazy – you don’t want to do anything, you just want to relax, maybe sleep, you think everything is too hard.

eg: Before I was very lazy.