F2F Class Notes (Tony)


we have to prepare some documents for bidding tomorrow.

Phrases from this sentence:

we have to

have to prepare

prepare some documents

for bidding tomorrow

I don’t understand what phrases means, can you explain to me?

There are some useful phrases in this sentence.

How long did they stay in your living room?

prepare – to make something ready

eg: We need to prepare the toppings for the pizza. We need to cut the onions, peppers and sausage, and we need to mix the sauce.

eg: I need to prepare for my exam tomorrow.   (I need to be ready to take the exam)

eg: We are not prepared for the sale next week.

eg: I need to prepare for the pizza. (You get ready to eat pizza, maybe sit at the table)

Jeff’s examples:

I need to prepare my room for my parents.

You need to prepare your room for your parents, when they live with you?

No, I need prepare it for my parents when they visit me.

I need to prepare for my trip to Korea tomorrow.

get ready – become ready for

eg: Do Are you getting ready for dinner?

eg: I will get ready soon.

eg: I get ready for work at 10:00.

eg: How long does it take you to get ready?

eg: It takes me 30 minutes to get ready.

ready – can be used now

eg: The pizza is ready.

eg: She is not ready yet, we will leave in an hour.

eg: Everything is ready for the party tomorrow.