F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Celsius    41 C

Fahrenheit   102 F

I didn’t speak out say/tell anyone

this word means… a person that needs to be punched

The German word Backpfeifengesicht means, a face that needs to be punched.

eg: “He’s the biggest backpfeifengesicht I’ve ever seen.”

eg: “He has a really punch-able face.”

jerk – a very rude or bad person, not nice, mean

eg: He’s being a jerk today.

pent up (ADJ) – something that has been held inside and not naturally let out

eg: He has a lot of pent up emotions from his divorce.

a (TV) show – anything on TV, except a movie or a sports game.

eg: My favorite show is “He’s a Backpfeifengesicht!” it is a drama, I always cry when I watch it.


European – Yerr Uh Pee Yun

Your Opinion – Yerr Uh Pihn Yun


I need a coffee.  = I am in need of a coffee.

I need a job with a higher salary. = I’m in need of a job with a higher salary.

He needed two dogs and five cats, I don’t know why. = He was in need of two dogs and five cats, I don’t know why.