F2F Class Notes (Tony)


lay on the yoga mat

it turned into playing instead of yoga.

I was doing yoga this morning

I do yoga 5 days a week.

thigh – the muscle and upper part of your leg

eg: My thighs are sore from yoga.

femur – the largest bone in your body, upper leg

eg: A human femur is stronger than steel.

shins  – the front part of your lower leg

eg: Sometimes my shins hurt from skateboarding.

calf /calves – the back part of your lower leg

stiff – very hard or firm, not flexible

eg: My neck is stiff, I can’t turn my head.

traps (muscles) – the muscles between your shoulders and neck.

eg: I’m gonna work traps today.

eg: I’m gonna do legs today.

eg: I will work on arms today.

lats – the large muscles on your back.

coordination – your ability to use your body precisely

eg: When you are drunk, you have bad hand eye coordination.

eg: He has no coordination, so he is terrible at sports.

clumsy – have no coordination, often fall and break things.

eg: She’s still a clumsy baby.

eg: My daughter is not a clumsy kid.

stumble – when you’re walking and almost fall

eg: I always used to stumble a little on the subway, but now I’m more stable; from doing yoga all the time.


stable – Stay Bull