F2F Class Notes (Tony)


We are in a different time zone

they are one hour ahead/behind

there is a one hour difference

I thought out of sth.

I just thought of a great idea!

people doesn’t don’t

unify – bring everything together as one

eg: They want to unify the country.

unity – the state of everything all together

eg: They said they want unity for all people.

public opinion – what most people think about a topic or issue

eg: Every country has to respect the public opinion.

sarcastic – when you say something and you are clearly pretending it is true

eg: (If you hate pizza)    Oh great! pizza for lunch! Again! every day, it’s soooo greatt.

Jeff is being sarcastic, he really hates pizza.

catch up – to be at the same level or have the same amount of something

eg: I already drank 10 cups of coffee, you only had 2, you need to catch up. (You are ahead with drinking coffee)

eg: I will catch up to him, because he has gotten lazy.   (You are behind in the race, because he was faster)

eg: We need to meet and catch up sometime, I haven’t seen you in ages. (You are behind on information about people you know)