F2F Class Notes (Tony)


make sb. do something = force sb. to do something.

let sb. do something = allow sb. to do something

neurotic – a person who has overactive neurons in their brain (they think too much)

eg: I try to avoid being neurotic.

rut – a deep part of a dirt road or path, where the wheel have made a long deep channel.

in a rut – in a situation that seems impossible to get out of

eg: Sometimes when you’re in a rut it’s really hard to get out.

eg: I feel like I’m in a rut, I need a change.


Go + V.     Go do your homework.

Help + Subject + V.    Help me figure this out.

Make + Subject + V.      He will make you stay late.

Let + Subject + V.         Let me see what I can do.


You can’t end a sentence with a preposition.

REALLY?   No, you can ignore this rule, like most Americans do. Actually the rule is very complicated and not so simple like above. There are many special requirements and parts to the rule. Which most people just don’t know.

Where did you get that sandwich from?   (normal question) (most common kind of question)

You got that sandwich from where?    (kinda normal)
