F2F Class Notes (Tony)


it’s a chain restaurant

overalls – Bei Dai Ku like pants, with a part on the top covering your chest, which is held up by straps.

eg: The German culture clothes are like shorts and overalls.

goofy – silly, ridiculous, stupid and strange

eg: On the street sometimes I see some girls wearing cosplay clothes. It looks goofy.

wreck V. – crash something, or make something very broken, so it can’t be used.

eg: My sister was in a car wreck, but don’t worry, she’s ok.

eg: I’ve never been in a wreck.

eg: Don’t get my laptop wet, you will wreck it.

wreck N. – a situation where this happened

eg: There was a bad wreck on HongQiao Rd.

eg: You’re a wreck, you need to quit drinking.

Trainwreck – a trainwreck is always very very bad.

eg: In the movie, she is a trainwreck, her whole life is going badly.

passenger – a person riding in a vehicle, they are not driving

eg: There are 300 passengers on the plane.


Active & Passive:

He was seen at 3:30.   (We don’t know who saw him)

I saw him at 3:30.

The cake was eaten when I got here.    (We don’t know who ate the cake)

I saw, a dog had eaten the cake when I got here.

I didn’t clean the apartment, it was cleaned when I got here.

It was broken.

I broke it.

NEXT CLASS:    Discuss the ACTIVE and PASSIVE Voice.