F2F Class Notes (Tony)


it cost me half an hour to make

it takes me half an hour to make shrimp

I spent half an hour making shrimp

Have you been busy?   Yes I was    yes, I’ve been busy.

in june

you are spaced out too

deed – the document which shows you own something, like a house.

eg: We both own the deed to the house. I own part of it, and my mother owns the other part.

say – 1. to express some words, use your mouth to make the sounds       2. to express what the written words are, and what the person who wrote them wanted.

  1. eg: He said, “You will never work in Shanghai again” then he laughed.
  2. eg: The sign says no swimming.
  3. eg: This menu says there are nuts in that dish.
  4. eg: I said, “there are some problems” (The words I used)
  5. He never says anything at meetings.   = He says nothing at meetings.

speak – your ability to make words

eg: My son is 6 months old, he can’t speak yet.

eg: Can you speak (any language)?

eg: I spoke to her about the problem. (I used my voice to communicate)

eg: He never speaks at meetings.

NEXT CLASS: Practice Prepositions,   On, at, in, for, to

on monday, in 2014, in january

at 6:15.