F2F Class Notes (Tony)


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I spent 80… (to Do what) (For what thing) (one what thing)

to remove a wisdom tooth.

for my wisdom tooth

on my wisdom tooth

be in love with someone

love someone

make a promise

keep a promise

wise (ADJ) – knowledge you gained over a long time, from experience

eg: Confucious(Kong Zi) was very wise.

wisdom N.

eg: He has a lot of wisdom about design.

eg: I got my wisdom (ADJ) teeth pulled.

root canal – where you make large holes deep into a tooth, to remove some problem

insurance – you pay every month, then if there is a problem, they pay for the problem

eg: Dental insurance can help you save a lot of money.

Writing exercise

I watched a movie called “Before Sunrise †last month. Actually the story is a trilogy starting with “Before Sunrise “, “Before Sunset “, and “Before Midnight †to tell the story of how 2 main characters met each other, fell in love, and then got married.
Before Sunrise was romantic, it was my favorite movie of the 3 / part of the trilogy.


The main characters met in the train,the actor backed home from trip and the actress went to university .They were young ,beautiful and handsome.They all like to read books ,so the first time they took about some interesting books.Then they know more about each other,they were attracted to each other. When the actor almost arrived his hometown ,he asked the actress †Do you know,several years past you will get married with someone and you will find the life is boring,one day,when you wake up and turn your head and see the man who you got married with him but you are not really love him,you will feeling not good and then you will miss the good memories in your whole life,such as now ,so enjoy the moment and don’t think too much for now,do you want get off the train to be with me go to strange city and to find the new world†Finally the actress thought a moment and said “Maybe we can “.
They went to the city, they only stay there one night when the sunrise they will leave.
When they will leave ,They had a promise to each other,six months later,they would come back here to meet each other.
What a romantic story!

The main characters met in the train,the actor will go backed home from his trip and the actress will go back to university. They were young ,beautiful and handsome. They all like to read, so the first time they talked about some interesting books. Then they knew more about each other, they were attracted to each other. When the actor almost arrived at his hometown ,he asked the actress †Do you know, several years later you will get married to someone and you will find that life is boring, one day you will wake up and turn your head to see you are not really in love with the man you married, you will feel unhappy and then you will miss the good memories of your whole life, like now, so enjoy the moment and don’t think too much about the present, do you want get off the train to be with me and go to a strange city and find a new world†Finally the actress thought a moment and said “Maybe we can “.
They went to the city, they only stayed there one night when the sun rises they will leave.
When they were leaving ,they made a promise to each other, six months later, they would come back here to meet each other.
What a romantic story!


Go to

Go home

Go here

go there

Go to + a place

go to the cinema

go to school


Past (before)

Present (Now)

Future (After)