F2F Class Notes (Tony)


flexible – can move your body easily, can stretch very far

eg: Doing yoga will make you more flexible.

I insist that you read this sentence.

I insist that students do not use a translator.

I‘ve done yoga before.

I can’t keep doing something for a long time. I did yoga for a while, but I couldn’t keep doing it.

Did you wear high heels today? you look taller.


I wanna start running

I wanna start rock(Stone wall) climbing

In Shanghai there are few people into rock climbing

When will you start running?

I started running last week. Now I’ll try to do it 3 times a week.

Why did get into running?   I wanna be slimmer.

How long have you been in Shanghai?   I’ve been in SH for about a year.

Why do you choose transfer flights? Because direct flights are expensive.


CM – Centa Meeterr     (Centimeter)

1.63  –  One point Six Three

163  – A hundred sixty three centimeters