F2F Class Notes (Tony)


have a sale

many stores will be having sales next month

regular – normal, common

eg: The regular price is $45, but it is on sale for $30.

jock – a person who loves sports, especially the team sports, like football, basketball, baseball.

skate V. – ride a skateboard

eg: I can teach you how to skate.

eg: I’m afraid to skate.

skateboard V. N. –

eg: Is that your board?

eg: Do you wanna go skateboarding?

skater N. – a person who skates

pyramid – four corners at the bottom and a point at the top

eg: I have a pink pyramid bracelet.

skate shoes – shoes for skateboarding

ice skating – using special shoes with blades on the bottom so you can move on ice

eg: My brother took me to the ice skating rink.

eg: I feel several

scrapeto damage (the surface of something) or hurt (a part of your body) by rubbing something rough or sharp against it or by making it rub against something rough or sharp

eg: I scraped my knee when I was ice skating.

ski V. – to ride on snow with two long skinny boards on each foot

eg: I tried skiing after snowboarding was too hard.

snowboard V. – to ride on snow with both your feet on a large board

eg: I tried snowboarding, but it was too hard.

picky – you only like certain ones, you don’t like many others

eg: I’m not picky about brands.

eg: I’m really picky about shoes.

tape – a roll of sticky paper, you can use to stick two things together

eg: Sometimes we use a lot of tape for the designs.


Pyramid – Peer Ruh Mid

bracelet – Brays   Litt

tape – Tay P’