F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Make or Let???

a synonym for LET is… Allow

eg: The teacher let him go to the bathroom. (She allowed him to go)

a synonym for MAKE is… Force someone to do something

eg: The teacher made him go to the bathroom. (You can’t make someone go to the bathroom)

eg: The manager made her staff finish the project in one month, even though it was supposed to be finished in two months.

How to use a word in any way you want:

Table N. – something that you put things on

Table V. – to postpone the discussion or topic, or project

What kind of word is table? Table is a Noun

It is a NOUN, but we can use it as a VERB. You can use almost any word as a VERB.

What is another word for table?

Example: During the meeting we were making no progress on the shipping issue, so we decided to table that topic until the new shipping manager is hired.

synonym – a word with a similar meaning

eg: Big is a synonym for Huge.

take one for the team – you suffer, so that the team can benefit

eg: I had to take one for the team and give my train ticket to our colleague. Because he had a meeting on Monday, but it was my day off. I had to stay in Beijing for one more day, but he made it to the meeting.

eg: I will take one for the team and QC one order on my own, so my colleague can enjoy her holiday.

eg: Is that a synonym for ____?    Is massive a synonym for big?


postpone  – Post   Pone

Phone – Fone