F2F Class Notes (Tony)


What are noodles made from?

Noodles are made from wheat.

Wheat is what noodles are made from.

They used to plant wheat. (They planted wheat in the past, they don’t plant wheat now)

They are used to planting wheat.  (They think planting wheat is normal, and not bad) (It is common for them to plant wheat) (Planting wheat is common for the farmers in North China)

arable – can farm on this land

eg: Central China has very little arable land.

crop – food that you grow, like vegetables and fruit and grain

rice paddy – a field of rice, rice farm

skinny – not fat, slim

eg: My legs are already skinny.

belly – du zi

eg: I have a beer belly, but I don’t drink beer.

abs (Abdominal muscles) – the muscles on your  belly

eg: Riding a bike is great for your abs.


Sentence Structures:

(It is common to do)    It is common to eat noodles in North China.

(Doing that is common)     Eating noodles is common in North China.     Eating noodles in North China is common.