F2F Class Notes (Tony)


i know your shortcomings

there is a shortage of Rare Earth Minerals.

If they put the business in a bad position

I don’t allow my daughter to watch TV if she hasn’t done her homework.

help her recover and get healthy

Witnessing instant karma is always satisfying

you should give without being asked

instant – a short moment in time, often used to describe things that can be done quickly, immediate

eg: You can make instant noodles in 2 minutes.

eg: I instantly rejected the idea.

run sth. by someone – get approval for sth. before you do it

eg: It’d (It would) be better if I ran it by her first.

season V. – to add seasoning, spices or oil

eg: Season the steak before you grill it.

eg: When people cook with a cast iron pan, they like to season it with oil, and they never use soap to wash it.

eg: Our products at Bambu are seasoned with organic linseed oil. Which protects the product life in a way that’s healthy for consumers.

stainless steel

cast V. – to form (metal, plaster, etc.) into a particular shape by pouring it into a mold in a fluid state and letting it harden.

mold V. N.

eg: We have a set of molds for each product.

feasible – smart to do, worth it

eg: Flying to New York on the weekends for English classes would be great, but it’s just not a feasible way to study.

reincarnation – to die and come back as another living thing

eg: I believe in reincarnation.

eg: Its difficult for people to believe in reincarnation

Atheist – a person who does not believe in god.


iron – I earn (money)

ironed – I  I-earned a shirt