F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I just withdraw the money and give it to the accountant.

Did you ever have a freelance job? Yes I had a freelance job before.

How long did it last? It lasted two days.

Ever – any time before, at least once

eg: Did you ever have an English name? No I didn’t have an English name. I never had an English name.

eg: Have you ever been to USA? No I haven’t been to USA.

eg: Have you ever talked to Xi Jin Ping? I have never talked to Xi Jin Ping.

handle – to take care of, or make sure something is done

eg: I handle the money at my work. I make sure the freelance workers get paid.

I handle the the withdrawals(N), the accountant does all the calculations.

calculate V. – to find the answer to the number problem.  (3x +5 = Z)

eg: The accountant is calculating our salary now. We will get our salary tomorrow.

calculation N. – the answer for the problem, after you calculate it    = 10.

eg: These calculations must be wrong.

eg: Can you check these calculations?

calculator N. – an app on your phone to help you calculate things.

eg: Everyone has a calculator app on their phone.

hire V. – to pay  someone to do a job

eg: She hired me to help with the video.