F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I’ll walk to the bank to get some cash for my company

Freelance – work for just short time

eg: I withdraw cash from the bank to pay our freelance employees.

Deposit – put money into a bank account

eg: I had 15 yuan, but I deposited 2000, so now I have 2015 yuan in my account.

Withdraw – to take money out of a bank account

eg: I had 1500 yuan, but then I withdrew 500, now I only have 1000 yuan.

petty cash – some small amount of money used to buy small

salary – the money your company gives you for working, usually every month

eg: I get my salary on the 15th.

pay period (N.) – the days that you work, and will be paid for.   How the company    calculates( + / – / = ) salary.

eg: Our company pays the salary every two weeks. The pay periods are from the 1st to the 15th, and from the 16th to the 31st.

eg: Our pay period is from the 1st to the 31st.


Salary –    NOT ( Celery )      SA ( D ) Le Ree     Sahl Le Ree


Take FROM / take out from – the other person has sth., You take it from them, Now you have it

eg: I took out 500 yuan from the bank.

eg: I will take my mom’s car to work today.

Take TO – You have sth., you take it TO someone and give it to them, Now they have it.

eg: I will take 500 yuan from my office to the bank and deposit it.

eg: I will take my mom’s car to the car wash, it’s really dirty.