F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Write why you want your paintings to be unique. Use at least three words from today’s notes.


there were no slots free/available

time slot

coin slot

it will challenge you

it is challenging

different from

challenge V. – 1. to challenge yourself, to make it harder so you improve faster   2. Challenge someone, to see which person is better at something 3. Challenging, ADJ. it is not easy.

eg: If you paint every day it will challenge you to learn some new painting styles.

eg: I challenged my friend to get better at painting.

eg: It’s challenging to do yoga.

sign up for – to start a program, such as classes or gym membership

eg: After I signed up for the yoga classes the teacher helped me find some physical problems.

Spine – the series of bones down the middle of your back

eg: The spine has many vertebrae. You need to sit up straight, to

custom – you choose all the details of it, or it is one of a kind

eg: This a custom phone case, there

customize – to make custom

eg: Many girls prefer customized bags, so they feel unique.

unique – not like many others

eg: My earring is unique, especially because there is only one.

minority – part of the group that is less than the most.

eg:     30% Han,    10% 10% 10% 10% 20% 5% 5%.     Here, Han is the majority, all others are minority groups.

actually – this is the real thing

eg: Actually there’s not.   Actually there are only two people in the room.