F2F Class Notes (Tony)


give a good class to us

looking down on people is bad

talk about that

fair skin – Light and clear (blemish free)

pale skin – lack of sun, possibly unhealthy

call someone out – point out their mistakes/ call attention to something bad that they are doing, either directly to them, or in front of other people

eg: My roommate was washing his car outside, and a random lady walking by on the street called him out for using too much water, when the state was in a drought.

eg: I think that lady doesn’t have a right to call out your roommate.

eg:There’s no stigma against calling people out in America, or maybe people just ignore it.

drought N. – lack of water in the environment, too dry

eg: California is in a drought.

enemy – someone you fight or dislike

What would be a stigma in china that foreigner’s might not know about?

Catherine’s Answer: We think it’s not polite to call someone out in public and in front of people, you can talk with them or call them out for something in private.