F2F Class Notes (Tony)


source – a place where you get something

eg: A source of information for the newspaper, turned out to be false.

apparently -appear to be, seems like  (say this when you are not sure) (Or when you can clearly see something)

eg: Apparently it is raining.

Urban Legend – something you hear about when you are growing up, or that happens in your city or area, that is usually not true. Based on truth, but highly exaggerated.


fiction / fictitious (ADJ)- fake story

eg: The HeilongJian Morning post is infamous for publishing fictitious stories.

altered – a kind of change

eg: Their appearances were digitally altered.

Speaking exercise

In 2004 Irish newspaper says one man married out of love and then as soon as they have a one daughter first their daughter were ugly not looks like them. So he knew his wife had plastic surgery to pay a lot of money in Korea and he sued her and finally they divorced and he got some of money and other article says in 2014 this thing picked up steam and in internet cycling this picture, but in this picture had three children and heilong newspaper said they divorced because they had ugly children. And then in Taiwan a plastic surgery hospital used this picture to ad for their hospital business and she who were in the picture sued this heilong newspaper.

In 2004 an Irish newspaper said a man married out of love and then as soon as they had a daughter who was ugly and didn’t look like them, he knew his wife had plastic surgery and paid a lot of money in Korea for it. He sued her and finally they got divorced and he got some of money.  Another article said in 2014 this thing picked up steam on the internet. The picture was cycling around many news websites, but in this picture they had three children and the heilongjiang newspaper said they divorced because they had one ugly child. And then in Taiwan a plastic surgery hospital used this picture to advertise (V) for their medical practice (N) and the woman who was in the picture sued this heilongjiang newspaper for using her image.