F2F Class Notes (Tony)


it takes (how long):

It takes an hour and a half to drive from Busan to Wusan.

time doesn’t match

time didn’t match

our time didn’t match

our times didn’t match

our times didn’t match up

The Korean full moon holiday matches up with Chinese mid-autumn festival.   (Always)

The Korean holidays match up with some Chinese Holidays. They fall on the same week.

Our birthdays are on the same week.

The lunar cycle doesn’t match up with the normal calendar.

Fall on (a day) – Usually for holidays

eg: Thanksgiving always falls on the third Thursday of November.

eg: New Years Eve falls on a Friday this year.

eg: My company’s monthly meeting falls on the first Monday of the month.

eg: The Lunar holiday falls on a different day and date every year.

eg: Its on the 15th of August on the Lunar calendar.

prejudiced (ADJ) – not liking a person simply because of who they are. Man, Woman, Black, White, Gay, Straight…

eg: I am prejudiced against prejudiced people. (I don’t like racists.)

eg: In USA you can get fired or be sued for being prejudiced in the workplace.

prejudice (N)

Racism is a kind of prejudice. It means you don’t like them only because of their skin color.

moderate ADJ. – Average in amount or size, not too much, not too little

eg: Her doctor recommended moderate exercise.