F2F Class Notes (Tony)
a lot of stuff to do
the make up day always seems a little unproductive
I don’t see it as feasible
everyone can choose the travel dates they want
make up days – extra days that you need to work because of other days that you had off
eg: We have to work Saturday for a make up day.
feasible – makes sense to do it this way, not worth it, Possible, but not smart.
eg: We could promote our product by giving one to each customer in the whole world, then they will want to buy a second one. That might help all people know our product, but the idea is clearly not feasible. It would cost way too much.
offset – to create an equal balance between two things
eg: They like to offset the schedule so you get a few days off in a row.
eg: And it’s been a notorious fact for years that immigration’s modest economic benefits are offset by very large fiscal costs.
wrongful termination – fired without a reason
eg: He sued the company for wrongful termination and won a $50K settlement.
terminal ADJ. – the very end or last one, like train station, part of airport T1,2,3, illness
eg: My flight leaves from terminal 3.
eg: She has a terminal illness and only has 4 weeks left to live.
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