F2F Class Notes (Tony)


take/use some eye drops

I don’t get sick anymore

I am not sick anymore

cable – electronic line or wire

eg: Monitor cable

eg: Power cable

eg: Charger   (N.) (Plug and cable)

wire – metal line

plug V. – to put a piece that fits perfectly inside another end.

eg: Can I plug in my phone somewhere?

eg: Plug the cable into the computer.

eg: Plug the sink so the water will fill up.

drugs – 1. strong medicine in a hospital   2. an illegal substance, people take and it harms their body

eg: There wasn’t enough time to take some drugs to get rid of the pain.  (Anesthesia)


What is this?   (You don’t know)

This is a cable.

Do you know what this is?  (Maybe you know, you ask IF they know)

Yes, I know what it is.

Ok, so what is it?

That’s a cable.


abdomen – Ab de men

abdominal – Ab Dom ih null

hurt – Her’t