F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Do research on/about    N.

I did research(N) about/on…     the other schools

Research Sth.      V.

I researched (V) the other schools

Is a fake yawn also contagious?

Yes it is contagious. No, I think only real yawns are contagious. No, you’re both wrong, I think real yawns are only fake contagious.

If you yawn then the next one is unstoppable.

he never looked at me in this way

they were going to get married

at first, we thought it was normal

in the closet – someone is gay, but they didn’t tell everyone yet

eg: I know there are about 3 or 4 gay people at my company. I guess there are more, but they are in the closet.

chemistry (between people) – some special feeling between two people that you can not describe.

eg: The first time they met there was a lot of chemistry.

eg: She found out he is in the closet after she saw his chemistry with the other man.