F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Hey, What’s cookin’ good lookin’?

(What’s up beautiful?)

I wear eye protection when I use the purple light.

I want to introduce myself

iodine – a brown liquid you can put on a cut, to make sure it does not get infected

eg: Put some iodine on that burn, then it won’t get infected.

gloves – some clothes for your hands only

eg: I always wear gloves when I touch a patient’s mouth.

resume/ CV – a list of all your work experience

eg: I want to redo my resume.

introduce – jie shao

eg: I want to introduce myself to the HR/Manager/Boss.

Introduction (N):

Answer all these questions in your introduction. So they don’t have to ask you.

What is your name?

Hi, I’m crystal.

Where are you from?

Hi, I’m crystal, from Henan province.

What is your job now?

Hi, I’m crystal, from Henan province and I’m a nurse in a dental clinic.

How long have you had that job?

Hi, I’m crystal, from Henan province and I‘ve been a nurse in a dental clinic for 6 months.

How long have you been in this field(Dentistry)?

Hi, I’m crystal, from Henan province and I‘ve been a nurse in a dental clinic for 6 months.

Where did you go to school?

Hi, I’m crystal, from Henan province and I‘ve been a nurse in a dental clinic for 6 months. I graduated two years ago from Shandong XieHe University.

What is important to you at work?

At this work I think patience (N) is the most important thing.

Why do you want to work here?

I really respect this company…………………….


Purple – Perr Pull

resume (N) – Reh Zuh May