F2F Class Notes (Tony)


sorry, I mixed up (V) these photos

there must’ve been a mix up, “Kuadi” sent us someone else’s package. (Not your package)

during “the holidays” (in America, from November to January)

I’m running a bit late, do you mind just hanging out for about 15 minutes?

in – for big periods of time, months, years

eg: In the morning…

eg: In the evening/    At night

20th century – 1900-1999

eg: We were born in the 20th century. I was born in the 80’s.


clock in/ clock out – to scan or record the time you start work.

eg: What happens if you clock in late?

take (time) off – to not work that time  (rest) by request(you ask the boss)

eg: I need to take monday off.

eg: Can I take a few hours off this afternoon? I need to go…

have (time) off – normally scheduled time off

eg: I have Sundays off.

eg: I have a week off for the National Holiday.

move up – move it to an earlier time

eg: Our one o’clock cancelled, so let’s move up the next meeting.

 (be) pressed for (time/money) – to not have enough of sth. or to need more.

eg: I’m a little pressed for time, can we talk about that later?

eg: We are really pressed for the budget this month, it’s going to be tight.

tight schedule – very busy schedule, very little free time

eg: My schedule is really tight this week, I’m afraid I won’t have time.

app – AP

ps – Photoshopped       (that picture looks photoshopped)

ppt – powerpoint  (a presentation)

Actually he is very punctual, usually.
