F2F Class Notes (Tony) [W]


a product of your environment

a product of your parents

religious – believe in a religion, believe in god or gods.

eg: I’m not very religious, I don’t go to church but I do believe in god.

eg: Most religious people in America are Christian.

Writing exercise

I didn’t remember how long it took me or how I landed on Mars. I didn’t even remember how I opened that cabin door. All I knew was as soon as I got to Mars, my Robot-bird has been acting like a real man. He talked to me like he had knew me for a really long time. He told me he was actually built before I was born and used to be the greatest scientific product at that time. But other scientists considered him as a potential danger, so my father had to turn on the sleep mode for him in order to keep him from being destroyed. But even he was sleeping, he could still receive outside news and be updated components by my parents year by year.
I was totally shocked at first. But days later, I was getting used to talk to him, play with him, and learn from him. Just as he said, he was the greatest scientific product indeed. He can not only make oxygen and water of the gas around Mars but change the PH of the soil to plant vegetables as well. I can ask him everything I’m curious about, I feel like there’s nothing in the world that he doesn’t know. When I get upset, he can make a rainbow immediately. Even if I miss my parents so much that I can’t stop crying, He has his own way to comfort me, like using their voice to talk to me or playing videos we used to shoot before the virus showed up. The best part I love about him is he has a ton of dry jokes in his mind. He’s my best friend, respectful teacher, and loving big brother.
I thought we would spend our entire life on Mars until he told me that he received a slightly radio wave from earth two days ago. He worked that out and found out that the virus has been cleaned for good. Human beings won this war and they are trying to rebuild their homeland.

I didn’t remember how long it took me or how I landed on Mars. I didn’t even remember how I opened that cabin door. All I knew was as soon as I got to Mars, my Robot-bird has been acting like a real man. He talked to me like he had known me for a really long time. He told me he was actually built before I was born and used to be the greatest scientific masterpiece at that time. But other scientists considered him a potential danger, due to his optimized A.I. function, so my father had to put him into hibernation in order to keep him from being detected. But even as he was sleeping, he could still receive outside news and be updated with the latest components by my parents.
I was totally shocked at first. But a few days later, I was getting used to playing with him and learning from him. Just like he said, he was the greatest product of science indeed. He can not only synthesize oxygen and water from the martian atmosphere but changing the PH of the soil for plants was also possible. I can ask him anything I’m curious about, I feel like there’s nothing in the world that he doesn’t know. When I get upset, he can make a rainbow immediately. Even if I miss my parents so much that I can’t stop crying, he has his own way to comfort me, like using their voices to talk to me or playing videos we used to shoot before the virus showed up. The best thing I love about him is he has a ton of dry jokes in his mind. He’s my best friend, respectful teacher, and loving big brother.
I thought we would spend our entire life on Mars until he told me that he received a faint radio signal from earth two days ago. He figured out that the virus has been neutralized. Human beings won this war and they are trying to rebuild their homeland.


Simple Present Tense:

Already means always or usually:

I get off at 6.

I leave on time.

I take the subway home.


Maybe you ate their breakfast.     you might have…