F2F Class Notes (Tony)
I didn’t like that latte
I didn’t like the latte at that Starbucks, it seemed different from other ones
I didn’t like lattes
I get an upset stomach
I crossed the bridge to Sausalito
I took a bike taxi
I walked uphill/downhill
a pack of wolves/dogs
a flock of birds (Could be for all birds)
a murder of ravens
a murder of crows
rumble – a low sound, like a heavy stone rolling on the ground, like thunder
eg: Can you hear the thunder rumbling?
eg: My stomach is rumbling.
upset – a bad feeling, angry, sad
eg: I have a really upset stomach, I might need to go to the hospital.
gloomy – dark and rainy, possibly sad
eg: Today is gloomy, so I feel a little down.
dinosaur – were the largest living animals, millions of years ago. Like giant reptiles.
eg: Some people who found dinosaur bones must have thought they were dragons.
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