F2F Class Notes (Tony)


If you give a man a fish, he will eat for a day.

If you teach a man to fish, he will eat for a lifetime.

Teach someone TO do sth.

Learn how TO do sth.

it’s a french brand

they have many different patterned dresses

Should I say….    “put off or take off?”    for my watch?

You should say “take off.” and “put on”

if you take it off my hair will be messed up

take off your hat

take off it

accessories – some small things you can wear that are not really clothes, like rings, necklaces, hats

eg: They have a lot of accessories, but mostly they make dresses.

mess up – 1. make a mistake    2. to make it not organized or not neat

eg: I messed up wirting tihs sentenence.

eg: Don’t mess up my hair.

organize – to put in a certain order or design or pattern

eg: My job is to organize display windows in shops.

neat – clean, organized, not messy, not too many things.

eg: My apartment is neat today, but before it was messy, because we have a cat.


bright – Brai T’