F2F Class Notes (Tony)


people can use machines like robots to work for them

it really hurts, (still hurts)

it really hurt, but I’m ok now

it hurt so much

they’re just living mindlessly

dilate –  become bigger in size

eg: His eyes were very dilated after the doctor’s visit.

eg: Vasodilation is when your veins expand to let more blood through. The opposite of this would be vasoconstrictions.

constrict – to tighten or make smaller, usually in a circle

eg: The Boa constrictor, kills its prey by contricting its body around them, until they can’t breathe.

show off – to show how good you are at something

eg: He is always showing off his cooking.

ESL – English as a Second Language.

eg: I wanna find an ESL school.


bide – Buy d’    bide your time(patiently wait for something)

bid – Bih d’        they outbid us

bed – Beh d’      This bed is really bad, I wanna take it back.

bad –   Bahh d’        I have a bad back.