F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I’ll get my deposit back

I haven’t been able to sleep deeply all week

I want to get/have my braces taken off.

I look good/bad

never to do something

If Elinda has a gun, they will take her gun and take her to jail

be faithful – 1. to stay with a person or a group, or company, to not betray them.

2. to not sleep with other people if you are in a relationship

eg: They were very faithful friends and would never betray each other.

eg: He is a good man, he is always faithful to his wife, and would never sleep with another woman.

cheat – 1. to not follow the rules 2. to sleep with another person, when you are in a relationship

eg: He cheated on her, so they broke up.

eg: They are in an open relationship, so it wasn’t cheating.


clap – KlAp

spirit – Speer-Rit