F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I don’t like heavy lifting

I usually use light weigh and do more reps.

upper body

lower body

I’m going to do legs today. (exercise leg muscles)

Did you know him before?   I knew him from Beijing.

the stars are very bright

I can develop my career in Shanghai

Shanghai is good for my career development

steroids – some drugs you take to get bigger and stronger, usually an injection(with needle)

eg: Taking steroids will make you big very quickly, but they are extremely unhealthy.

repetitions – the number of times that you lift the weight

treadmill – running machine

particles – very tiny pieces of things, usually in the air.  pm2.5 (particle matter 2.5)

eg: There’s a lot of dust particles in the air.

charge – to make someone pay a certain amount of money

eg: In Shanghai we can charge 500 yuan per hour for a training session.

eg: In Kunming they charge 300 or less per hour.