F2F Class Notes (Tony)


have a discussion

i arranged some work for my coworkers

I arranged some work to give to them

He is in Mayweather’s world, so surely Mayweather has the upper hand

defend yourself

he was not punctual and he was not reliable

I can’t rely on him

a match – used for some sports, like Boxing, Tennis and Football(Soccer)

eg: The fight between Mayweather and McGreggor is going to be an unprecedented match.

get off work – finish work for the day or leave the office.

eg: I worked from home today so there was no time that I got off.

have the upper hand – to have the advantage

eg: Mayweather has the advantage, because it will be a boxing match.

wrestling – fighting by grabbing someone, and holding them, making them feel pain and quit.

eg: Wrestling can cause some permanent damage to your joint and bones.

on call – you need to work if someone calls

eg: The doctor is not in the hospital, but he is on call in case there is an emergency.

eg: I’m always on call.

Writing exercise

Only 2 times. If he want say the same word to me, I don’t trust him again. I will tell him

Only twice. If he says the same thing to me again, I won’t trust him anymore.