F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Does your phone work now?

Yes, it works now. I got it updated.

How long have you had those glasses?

I’ve had these glasses for about half a year.

How long have you worn glasses?

I’ve worn glasses for about 5 years.

How old were you when you got glasses?

I was 19 when I got glasses.

How old were you when you graduated college?

I was 23 when I graduated college.

When was the first time you came to Shanghai?

6 years ago was the first time I came to Shanghai.

The first time I came to Shanghai, was 6 years ago.

When was the first time you saw me?

The first time I saw you was 4 months ago.

cool down – to make sth. cooler or to become cooler

eg: I’m hot now, but I will cool down.

heat up – to become hotter

eg: I got a little heated up from walking here.


I am sincere   (ADJECTIVE)

I am speaking sincerely (ADVERB)