F2F Class Notes (Tony)


because I’m a professional (zhuan ye)

they are more well-known than our company

go against someone’s wishes – to not do what they wanted

eg: I go against my boss’ wishes sometimes.

credibility – the quality of being believable or worthy of trust

eg: She lost all her credibility as a designer because she let her 5 year old son design her last project.

eg: She killed her future and lost all credibility.

eg: You have some credibility as a teacher.

eg: You are a credible(ADJ) teacher.

eg: She jeopardized her credibility by using a new kind of design. It could be great, or she could lose respect from her clients.

client – a customer with long term business, maybe with a contract

eg: To find new clients they went to all the stores and asked if they want new designs for their windows.

pitch V. N. – when you propose a new idea, give the basics about it

eg: My boss’ pitches are usually not very great, so I just take over the design process.

eg: The client pitched some ideas to us, one of them was good, so we went with that one.



Thomas’ bike.   (Thomasess)


Lyn’s bike.