F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Let’s just review today.

We should review today.


1. a little words  (words are small size)


1. a few words  (not many in number)

You – Any person

eg: If you want to go to Beijing you can take

soap – stuff used to clean, wash your hands, take a shower, wash your clothes

How many different ways can you cook an egg?

There are a few ways you can cook an egg.

There are many ways you can cook an egg.

One way to cook an egg is break it and put it in a bowl and use something to mix the yellow and white  together. When they are mixed together you will put it in a pan and cook it.

Another way to cook an egg is to put it in boiling water for a few minutes.

One way to wash clothes is put them in water and then add some soap. Then turn on the washing machine.

Another way to wash clothes is by hand.