F2F Class Notes (Tony)


distract V. – to make someone not pay attention to sth.

eg: He distracted her, so he could steal her phone.

eg: She was distracted (ADJ).

I wont’ go back to work


Spend money on STH.

I spent 11 yuan on this yogurt.

I will spend

I usually spend

This is 11 yuan yogurt.

these are 1000 yuan sunglasses.

be careful these are 20,000 yuan sunglasses.

these are 20 year old sunglasses, I’ve had them for a really long time.

Using a Number as an ADJ.

This is a dog.

This is a (ADJ) dog.

This is a big dog.

This yogurt is 2 dollars.

This is 2 dollar yogurt.   (2 dollar, is an ADJ.)

This is a big yogurt.   (Big is an ADJ.)

Amy is 18 years old.

She is an 18 year old girl.