F2F Class Notes (Tony)


lenient – not very strict with the rules, or punishment

eg: This kid’s parents are so lenient, so the kid does anything he wants.

reckless – doing things not carefully, maybe in a rushed or hurried way.

eg: In California drivers are pretty reckless. They don’t usually stop at a stop sign. In Arizona you must come to a complete stop at a stop sign, and police are waiting to catch you.

eg: That seems like a reckless plan, is there any other way?

If – explains the conditions which must be met,

For example: I will have dinner, if we are eating steak. (The condition is, dinner must be steak, or I will not have it)

If the speed limit is 55 miles per hour, and you can drive five over, then how fast can you drive?

You can drive 60, if the speed limit is 55. Because police only pay attention to people who drive over 60mph.

But in California you can go about 10 miles per hour over the speed limit.

If it starts raining, I’ll go buy an umbrella before we head out.

If you pay for everything I will go to this weekend’s picnic with you


I’ll ( I will)  –    While…     (whIle





This is only necessary, because in English we NEED to know, if it is ANY thing, or a SPECIFIC thing.  If you don’t say which one it is, people will naturally want to ask you, WHICH ONE???

EXCEPTION: If you are speaking in GENERAL.

I want coffee.    (Coffee is uncountable)

I like bicycles.    (All bicycles)