F2F Class Notes (Tony)


What would you do if you owned the grocery store where the kids got locked in? In the morning you arrive to open the store and you find two kids had been locked inside all night. Don’t worry they are fine.



It would be nice, if…

I was from an English speaking country

if English was my native language

I’m jealous that you are from English speaking country.

connotation – attached meaning to a word, comes from how people usually use the word, and what they think of it

dining room – the room that you usually eat or have dinner in

dining table – a table to eat at

weak – not strong, not tough

eg: I don’t want to appear weak, but I don’t think I should ask for a raise yet.

a raise – an increase in salary or wages

eg: I’m the boss so I don’t need to ask for a raise.

see is similar to watch


hear is similar to listen

look – is intentional, you try to do it