F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Grammar and sentence construction:     https://www.learnenglish.de/grammar/sentencetext.html

Dictionary.com      Learnersdictionary.com (Easier meanings)


eg: It will be a fast meeting.    Fast is not the PERFECT word here. So, let’s use a Thesaurus to find a better, but similar word.

Hurried – moving or working rapidly, especially forced or required to hurry, as a person.

eg: This will be a hurried meeting, because they need the room for a presentation in 20 minutes.

round up/down – change the number from a decimal or fraction to the nearest whole number

eg: WE can’t just round up for the salary.

fraction –  not a whole number, written as two parts   3/5   Three fifths   2/3    Two Thirds                            1/4  One Quarter

eg: This one is a fraction of the cost of the other one. It’s a third of the price of the other one.


them – d’em

that – d’at


Adj. + N.

The big dog

N. + Adj.

the dog big

N. + V. (BE) + Adj.

the dog is big.