F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Genre – the category that a certain kind of art falls into, Music, Movies, Painting…

eg: What’s your favorite genre of music? Pop is my favorite genre.


Movies: Horror(Scary)    Comedy(Funny)   Action (Fighting, Explosions)   Period Piece(Historical)

Music: Rock, Rap, Jazz, Punk, Electronic, Hip Hop, R & B (Rhythm and Blues)

Collaborate V. – work together, on a project, with people who you don’t usually work with.

eg: We don’t often collaborate with any other companies.

collaboration N.

eg: Collaboration for my work would be kind of weird.

collaborative ADJ.  –

eg: They only accomplished their goal through a collaborative effort.

If you cooperate with the police they will go easy on you.

The two companies collaborate on drug business.