F2F Class Notes (Tony)


if you have a good ability    If you are good at something

I took some medicine before

I took some medicine 3 weeks ago

my hormones are not balanced

after I went to fix my headphones

one thing    one things

I just had some blood drawn

“I drew my blood.”   “Wow, they let you do it?”

they are unemployed

a physical – a body check from a doctor

eg: I got a physical today.

get (something done) – to make sure that something is done, by you or done by another person.

eg: I will go get my teeth cleaned.    (Will be finished)

eg: Get my car washed.

eg: I will get it done.

eg: I will get all the cleaning done before I take a trip.

eg: You should get your homework done before class.

eg: Do you like my hair, I got it colored.

Dentist – tooth doctor, tooth hospital(office)

eg: I’ll go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned.

Sentences Practice:

Unacceptable:      Doing yoga in the street is unacceptable.

eg: Eating street food is unacceptable for me.

Except: I have 10 dresses, all of them are black except one.

eg: I have lots of dresses, all of them are long except one.


eg: I expect tomorrow will be rainy.(ADJ)

eg: I expect it will rain (V.) tomorrow.


hormone – [hawr-mohn]