F2F Class Notes (Tony) [S]


The more advanced people are, the friendlier they will be

learn a lot about this country

I was stuck in a traffic jam.

I ran into some traffic

I ran into an old friend yesterday.

they are high up,    at ICBC

informative (ADJ

run into – to accidentally meet someone or something.

eg: I ran into a few problems trying to update my computer.

intentional (ADJ) – you wanted to do this.

eg: I didn’t intend(V.) to do that. That wasn’t my intention(N.). It wasn’t intentional.(ADJ)

Speaking exercise

When you arrived a country, you would hope learn many parts of this country. I have been to many countries.

I’d like to share you with my business trip in Germany.
I have many colleagues of America. But when I was Simens’s employees, I have many Germans colleagues. When I went to Alangen, the place where Siemens headquarter located at, I was deeply attracted in every parts of it, not only people’s culture but also nature’s scenery in Bavaria province.

Bavaria province is the most advanced state in Germany. So its environment has been protected very well. That’s the reason why I like its nature scenery. For example, you couldn’t find any trash around its street. On the other hand, speaking of people’s culture, when you meet anyone in the street, although you are not familiar with each other, they also would give you friendly feedback. They will say to you “Do you need any help?”.

There is a very deep example in my mind. I forgot my credit card in its supermarket, but I found it immediately. I went back to the supermarket and told the employees in supermarket. She was more nervous than me. Because she told me she knew the thing and when I left the supermarket, she put my credit card in her drawer.

But she couldn’t take it (the credit card from her drawer) at that time. She told me she know where is my credit card at, but I went back to the supermarket and ask some help for her, she pulled out the drawer and found the credit card disappeared.

So she shared the information in whole supermarket throughout the microphone. Unfortunately, other employees told her she didn’t take my credit card or see it during this period.

At this time, the employee shows more nervous than me. He asked me to wait a moment and she tried her best to try my credit card anywhere. Then I waited for half hour. She told me she found my credit card in the space between the drawer and the floor.

At that time, I felt I’m very lucky, but she apologized for his mistake, even though I don’t think it was her mistake. She went to the store in the supermarket and took many small gifts out to make up for the time that she wasted. It’s her thinking, I think.

Even not only I got my credit card, but also, I got many gifts that their value were above my shopping’s value.

Most Germans are easy to be satisfied. There are additional stories

When you arrive in a country, you would hope to learn many aspects of this country. I have been to many countries.

I’d like to share my business trip experience in Germany with you.
I have many American colleagues. But when I was a Simens’s employee, I had many German colleagues. When I went to Erlangen, the place where Siemens headquarters was located at, I was deeply attracted to every part of it, not only the culture but also the natural scenery in Bavaria province, in southwest Germany.

Bavaria province is the most advanced one in Germany. So its environment has been protected very well. That’s the reason why I like the scenery. For example, you couldn’t find any trash around its streets. On the other hand, speaking of the culture, when you meet anyone on the street, although you are not familiar with each other, they also would give you a friendly response. They will say to you “Do you need any help?”.

There is a very profound example in my mind. I forgot my credit card in a supermarket, but I found it immediately. I went back to the supermarket and told the employees inside. She was more nervous than me. Because she told me she knew I left it there and when I left the supermarket, she put my credit card in her drawer.

But she didn’t take it (the credit card from her drawer) at that time. She told me she knows where my credit card is at, but I went back to the supermarket and asked her for some help, she pulled out the drawer and found the credit card wasn’t there.

So she shared the information in the whole supermarket through the microphone. Unfortunately, the other employees told her they didn’t take my credit card or see it during this period.

At this time, the employee seems more nervous than me. She asked me to wait a moment and she tried her best to find my credit card everywhere. Then I waited for half an hour. She told me she found my credit card in the space between the drawer and the floor.

At that time, I felt I’m very lucky, but she apologized for her mistake, even though I didn’t think it was her mistake. She went to the store in the supermarket and took many small gifts out to make up for the time that she wasted. It’s her thinking, I guess.

I not only got my credit card back, but also, I got many gifts that their value were above my shopping’s value.

Most Germans are easy to be satisfied. There are additional stories


Run V.

I am running  V. Continuous

Running is good for you.   N.